Université Côte d’Azur is pleased to invite you to the 17th annual meeting and 11th conference of HEPA Europe. The conference is jointly organized with WHO/Europe, in partnership with the City of Nice and the French Society of Public Health. This year, the HEPA Europe conference will focus on “An ecosystem approach to health-enhancing physical activity promotion”. Conference topics feature a wide range of issues, including policy, active transport, sport, determinants of physical activity, health outcomes, sedentary behavior and many others. The objective of the conference is to engage policymakers, professionals, scientists and other stakeholders, as well as citizens to engage in the field of health-enhancing physical activity promotion. The conference will be an opportunity to target and connect these audiences. The meeting in Nice is a unique opportunity to meet experts & influencers face-to-face; to network, mix and mingle; be inspired by leaders in the field and stay up-to-date with scientific, practice and policy developments in Europe and beyond.
We will have keynotes, parallel oral sessions, poster sessions as well as symposia. Events will also include the annual meeting of HEPA Europe and parallel sessions of most of its working groups. The conference will be held in the Palais de la Méditerranée, in the city center of Nice.
Join us in Nice and engage in discussions on evidence-informed strategies, interventions, and tools to develop an ecosystem approach to health enhancing physical activity promotion.
Anne Vuillemin, Head of the Organizing Committee.
Fabienne d’Arripe-Longueville, Head of the Scientific Committee.