Programme > Programme overview

Wednesday 31 August

Morning: Registration; Opening ceremony; Debate

Lunch: HEPA Europe WG sessions

Afternoon: Plenary session - Keynote 1; Parallel Sessions (oral communication and symposia); Poster sessions; HEPA Europe annual meeting

Evening : Welcome reception


Thursday 1 September

Morning: WHO/EU Updates session; Plenary session - Keynote 2; Parallel Sessions (oral communication and symposia)

Lunch: HEPA Europe WG sessions

Afternoon: Parallel Sessions (oral communication and symposia); Poster sessions; Keynote 3; HEPA Europe WG sessions

Evening: Conference dinner


Friday 2 September

Morning: Parallel Sessions (oral communication and symposia); Plenary session - Keynote 4; Closing ceremony

Lunch: The congress will close after lunch


This overview of the program is subject to change.


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