Programme > Detailled programme per session (subject to modifications)

Detailled programme per session


S02 Physical activity surveillance across the life-course: from data to policy - Kremlin Wickramasinghe

S02-1 Physical activity and sedentary behaviour of children aged 6-9 in Europe: an analysis within the Childhood Obesity Surveillance Initiative (COSI) - Stephen Whiting

S02-2 Socioeconomic determinants of physical activity, sleep and screen time among children aged 6-9 years of age in Europe - Sanja Music Milanovic

S02-3 Physical activity policies and good practices in Europe - Romeu Mendes

S02-4 Physical activity and screen time during the COVID-19 lockdown in Europe: repeated cross-sectional study in 10 countries - Viktoria A. Kovacs

S02-5 Physical inactivity in nine Eastern European and Central Asian countries: results from the WHO STEPwise approach to NCD risk factor surveillance - Stephen Whiting


S03 A physical Literacy eco-system in Denmark - From reserach to practice... and back again - Peter Elsborg

S03-1 Physical literacy, physical activity and wellbeing in Danish children - Paulina Sander Melby

S03-2 The Child-COOP Denmark study: Using physical literacy to guide and evaluate a systemic approach to health promotion - Knud Ryom

S03-3 Staying active together in sports - the Importance of and how to promote the emotional domain of Physical literacy - Glen Nielsen

S03-4 3PL: Promoting pupils' physical literacy - A pilot study testing feasibility and acceptability of the Y-PATH intervention in a Danish school setting - Mette Kurtzhals


S04 Sports Club for Health (SCforH) approach: evidence on importance and examples of implementation activities - Željko Pedišić and Sylvia Titze; discussant: Nanette Mutrie

S04-1 Health benefits of different sport disciplines: an updated systematic review - Pekka Oja 

S04-2 More than a club' - experiences gained by piloting the Sport Clubs for Health approach in Hungary - Reka Veress

S04-3 The effectiveness of a coordinated action between the healthcare sector and local sports clubs to promote physical activity: an intervention trial - Sylvia Titze

S04-4 Tracking participants in the program and progress in dissemination of the Austrian sport promotion initiative - Bernhard Novak 

S04-5 Development of the Sports Club for Health (SCforH) online learning tool - Danijel Jurakic


S05 Active ageing from theory to practice: success stories from Belgium, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands - Katja Borodulin, Filip Boen, Liesbeth Preller, Heli Starck, Ute Mueller-Steck and Jannique van Uffelen

S05-1 Online tool to stimulate physical activity for older people with dementia - development and dissemination - Liesbeth Preller

S05-2 Tenth anniversary of 'moment! - motor learning and mental training for people with a beginning dementia' - Ute Mueller-Steck

S05-3 How do participants evaluate peer-led walking groups of older adults? Implementation issues related to the 'Lekker Actief'-project in Flanders - Filip Boen

S05-4 Progressive muscle-strengthening exercise is feasible among older people in the 'Strength in Old Age Program' - Heli Starck


S06 Engaging peers, parents and pupils to increase physical activity among adolescents - Maria O'Kane, Marie H Murphy, Angela Carlin, Alison Gallagher

S06-1 Putting young people at the heart of physical activity research design - Marie Murphy

S06-2 GAP: The Girls Active Project - Sara McQuinn

S06-3 Supporting our lifelong engagement: mothers and teens exercising (SOLE MATES); from formative research to feasibility testing - Elaine Murtagh

S06-4 Exploring correlates of adolescent boys' muscular fitness: a mixed-methods formative study - Stuart Fairclough

S06-5 The Walking In ScHools (WISH) study: Development and evaluation of a peer-led school-based walking intervention in adolescent girls from pilot to fully-powered trial - Marie Murphy


S07 How do sports clubs contribute to health? From theory to interventions - Aurélie Van Hoye, Susanna Geidne, Katia Rinta-Antila, Kevin Gavin, Linda Ooms, Stacey Johson, Jan Seghers, Sami Kokko

S07-1 Does goal orientation relate to changes in sports club participation from adolescence to early adulthood? - Katia Rinta-Antila

S07-2 Variability in physical activity levels in adolescent Gaelic football players across a competitive season. - Kevin Gavin

S07-3 The health promoting sports club model: intervention theory design - Stacey Johnson

S07-4 Sporting programs aimed at inactive population groups in the Netherlands: factors influencing their long-term sustainability in the organized sports setting - Linda Ooms

S07-5 Young people´s perspectives on what makes a sports club health promoting - Susanna Geidne


S08 Do results from physical activity questionnaires (IPAQ, GPAQ, EHIS and Eurobarometer) and accelerometer tell same story - results from 18 countries in the EUPASMOS project - Tommi Vasankari, Paulo Rocha, Ellen de Hollander

S08-1 Comparing physical activity measurement instruments across member states by means of a conversion factor: European Union Physical Activity and Sport Monitoring System (EUPASMOS) project - Ellen de Hollander

S08-2 Reproducibility and validity of four physical activity questionnaires in 18 European union member states: the European Union Physical Activity and Sport Monitoring System (EUPASMOS) project - Maarten Schipper

S08-3 Physical activity, sedentary behavior and sleep-time of Eupasmos-project participants in 16 European countries: European Union Physical Activity and Sport Monitoring System (EUPASMOS) project - Henri Vähä-Ypyä

S08-4 In terms of individual fitness, people with low cardiorespiratory fitness are physically the most active - Pauliina Husu


S09 Insights into the development of the physical activity environment policy index, a tool for benchmarking implementation of public policies to create healthy physical activity policy environments - Liam Kelly and Catherine  Woods

S09-1 Which transport policies increase physical activity of the whole of society? A Systematic Review -  Joanna Zukowska

S09-2 The impact of mass-media campaigns on physical activity: a review of reviews through a policy lens - Nicolette R. den Braver

S09-3 Evidence of the impact of Sport Policies on physical activity and sport participation: A Systematic Mixed Studies Review - Kevin Volf

S09-4 The development of the Physical Activity Environment Policy Index (PA-EPI): a tool for monitoring and benchmarking government policies and actions to improve physical activity - Catherine B. Woods


S10 Developing and Monitoring National Physical Activity Policy: A Global Challenge that Must be Addressed with a Global Response - Andrea Ramirez, Adrian Bauman and Michael Pratt

S10-1 Developing and monitoring physical activity policy: 1990 to today - Michael Pratt

S10-2 Instruments for the analysis of national-level physical activity and sedentary behaviour policies: a systematic review - Željko Pedišić

S10-3 The Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! Policy Inventory: Progress and methods - Andrea Ramirez

S10-4 The Global Observatory for Physical Activity-GoPA! Policy Inventory: preliminary findings and lessons learned - Željko Pedišić


S11 Improving knowledge co-creation and participation in physical activity promotion: The cooperative planning approach - Peter Gelius

S11-1 The cooperative planning approach in health promotion: Theoretical foundation, theoretical classification and key elements - Peter Gelius

S11-2 Cooperative planning with coaching elements in childcare centres: a qualitative investigation of childcare directors' perspectives - Christina Müller

S11-3 Implementation of Community-Based Physical Activity Promotion Focusing on Individuals with Social Disadvantages, Developed Using a Participatory Approach - Jana Semrau

S11-4 Participatory physical activity promotion in senior residencies - Dorothee Altmeier

S11-5 Extending co-creation in physical activity and health promotion: The Practice Dive approach - Johanna Popp




PARALLEL SESSION O1: Physical activity measurement, monitoring and surveillance surveillance - Adrian Bauman & Léna Lhuisset

O1-1 Footfall trends on Irish walking trails before and during the COVID-19 pandemic - Dylan Power

O1-2 Identification of existing audit instruments for the assessment of urban and rural physical activity environments - Christina Müller

O1-3 Time spent cycling, running, walking, standing, sitting, and lying: a cross-sectional analysis of accelerometer-data from 930 Danes aged 15-94 in the Moving Denmark study - Sofie Koch 

O1-5 Digital tools for physical activity assessment and brief counselling in Primary Health Care: The Portuguese model - Mendes Romeu

O1-7 MoveHealthy: improving health and sustaining participation of youth in sports through sports injury prevention - Johan de Jong

O1-8 Evaluation of the implementation of the 'Living well with COPD' self-management program in Switzerland - Anja Frei


PARALLEL SESSION O2: Active ageing - Katja Borudulin & Afroditi Stathi

O2-1 Improving diet and physical activity in older adults living at home: protocol for the ALAPAGE cluster randomized controlled trial - Agnès Vinet

O2-2 Should I stay or should I go? A mixed-methods, longitudinal investigation of predictors, barriers and enablers of adherence to REACT, a 12-month group-based, active-ageing programme - Janet Withall

O2-3 Feasibility of the Move for Life intervention to help inactive adults 50 years and over increase their physical activity - Enrique Garcia Bengoechea

O2-4 From research to practice - BASIS Balance Strength and Safety - the Norwegian E-learning program on fall prevention - Olov Belander

O2-5 Mobilising People as Assets for community-based active ageing promotion: A multi-stakeholder perspective on peer volunteering initiatives - Afroditi Stathi

O2-6 Older adults' use of neighbourhood open spaces following an environmental intervention - Tanja Schmidt

O2-7 Leading the Way Together: A cluster randomised controlled trial of the 5R Shared Leadership Program in older adult walking groups - Filip Boen

O2-8 Effects of a 12-week walking football intervention on cardiovascular disease risk factors in an older adult population: a randomised controlled trial in the UK - Tom McBain


PARALLEL SESSION O3: Physical activity policy - Antoine Noël Racine & Nanette Mutrie

O3-1 Key factors for sustainable implementation of community-based physical activity promotion with a focus on individuals with social disadvantages: a systematic review with narrative synthesis - Natalie Helsper

O3-2 Evaluation of implementation and impact of a national mass media campaign to promote active lifestyles in Portugal: 'Follow the Whistle: Physical Activity is Calling You' - Marlene Nunes Silva

O3-3 Active commuting and healthy behavior among adolescents in neighborhoods with varying socioeconomic status - Katarina  Bälter

O3-4 Progress on addressing the cornerstones of physical activity policy for children and youth in England - Anna Chalkley

O3-5 Family Health Climate, parental outcome expectations and physical activity of children in primary-school age. - Alexandra Ziegeldorf

O3-6 The Healthy School Start Plus Study - A parental support programme to promote healthy behaviours and prevent childhood obesity in disadvantaged areas - Mahnoush Malek

O3-7 Prenatal predictors and physical fitness in Spanish Youth: the UP&DOWN study - Narcis Gusi

O3-8 A ban on smartphone usage during recess in increased 10-14 year old children's physical activity; a Danish school intervention study - Charlotte Skau Pawlowski


PARALLEL SESSION O4: Settings-based physical activity interventions - Aurélie Van Hoye & Wanda Vos

O4-1 A scoping study of the international implementation of the World Health Organisation's global physical activity action plan - Jack Walklett & Diane Crone

O4-2 Evaluate the health-enhancing physical activity policy of Rio de Janeiro: 'Programa Academia Carioca' - Junia Cardoso

O4-3 An evaluation of the Time to Move workplace physical activity intervention - Catherine Sharp

O4-4 Relation between physical activity level and environment perception among older adults - Daniela Lopes dos Santos

O4-5 A gamification-based intervention to encourage active travel - Marc Harris

O4-6 Citizen involvement and Active Living - a research project in the middle of Odense - Danielle  Nørager Johansen

O4-7 An alternative framework for HEPA projects: Developing recommendations for the use of the Capability Approach - Maike Till

O4-8 Measuring capabilities for physical activity-related health outcomes: A Systematic review. - Maike Till


PARALLEL SESSION O5: Physical activity and health - Maxime Luiggi & Jorge Mota

O5-2 Tele-rehabilitation program 'Funktionstraining-online' in people with Multiple Sclerosis - preliminary results of a first online survey - Stephanie Woschek

O5-3 Behavioural risk patterns among overweight and obese adolescents participating in the PRALIMAP-INES trial - Abdou Omorou

O5-4 Technology-based physical activity interventions acceptability in obese females: a latent profile transition analysis - Meggy Hayotte

O5-6 The relation between domain-specific physical behavior and cardiorespiratory fitness: a compositional data analysis on the physical activity health paradox using accelerometer-assessed data. - Margo Ketels

O5-8 Drive for Muscularity Behaviors in Male Bodybuilders: A Trans-Contextual Model of Motivation - Stéphanie Mériaux-Scoffier


PARALLEL SESSION O6: Physical activity policy - Petru Sandu & Marie Murphy

O6-1 Exploring the association between green space attributes and physical activity to inform urban planning and policy - Ina Šuklje Erjavec

O6-2 Physical activity policy actions in Europe: the MOVING benchmarking tools - Ioana Vlad

O6-3 Analysis of the local health-enhancing physical activity policies in the French Riviera - Antoine Noel-Racine

O6-4 Passion, problems, and pathways forward: United Kingdom physical activity policy-makers' experiences of working in complex systems. - Benjamin Rigby

O6-5 Can the development of a physical activity counseling network help fostering effective local policies for the attention of inactive people? Mugiment Gipuzkoa. - Unai Asurmendi

O6-6 The added value of using the HEPA PAT for physical activity policy monitoring: A four-country comparison - Peter Gelius

O6-7 Community sport coach's potential to enhance health - Wikke van Stam

O6-8 Rethinking schools as a setting for physical activity promotion in the 21st Century - A position paper from the Erasmus+ 2PASS 4Health project - Enrique Garcia Bengoechea


PARALLEL SESSION O7: Prevalence and determinants of physical activity and sedentary behaviour - Elaine Murtagh & Abdou Omorou

O7-1 The association of occupational and leisure time physical activity with all-cause mortality. Using an individual participant dataset (N=634,131) - Bart Cillekens

O7-3 Young people Living, learning and growing - the impact of a year on independent boarding schools - Lise Elkrog-Hansen

O7-4 Temporal trends in sport participation according to WHO physical activity guidelines and its effect on weight status: a French school-based study between 2015 and 2019 - Maxime Luiggi

O7-5 School-based interventions to reduce accelerometer based children's sedentary time: presentation of a systematic review - Caroline Bernal

O7-6 Do physical activity, motor skills, and attention capacities predict the academic achievement of primary school children from disadvantaged neighbourhoods? Elaboration of inference conditional trees. - Caroline Bernal

O7-7 School-based intervention and nutritional behaviours change among adolescents: cross-sectional latent class and longitudinal latent transition analysis - Abdou Omorou

O7-8 Mediation effect of physical activity and sedentary behavior on the association of gender with quality of life in adolescents - Florian Manneville


PARALLEL SESSION O8: Physical activity in children and adolescents - Anna Chalkley & Amika Singh 

O8-5 Sociodemographic factors associated with discrepancy between body satisfaction change and weight change among school-aged adolescents following a behavioral intervention - Florian Manneville

O8-1 24-Hour Movement Behavior and Fundamental Movement Skills in Pre-School Children: A Compositional Analysis - Jorge Mota

O8-3 A school-based quasi-experimental intervention to improve students' motor competence and physical fitness - Mikko Huhtiniemi

O8-4 The effect of The Daily Mile on primary school children's aerobic fitness levels after 12 weeks: a controlled trial - Jorien Slot-Heijs

O8-6 Participation in physical education, extra-curricular activities, and community sports among Irish adolescents with and without functional difficulties - Kwok Ng

O8-7 Global Matrix 3.0 Physical Activity Report Card for Children and Youth: A comparison across Europe - Anna Chalkley

O8-8 Foundation of Move Healthy: athletic skill development in children from a motor learning perspective. - Anne Benjaminse


PARALLEL SESSION O9: Promotion of lifelong physical activity - Bengt Kayser & Alexis Lion

O9-1 Physical activity change and stability patterns from adolescence to early adulthood: how activity domains and sedentary behaviour are associated with maintaining, increasing and decreasing activity? - Tuula Aira

O9-2 Participants' and leaders' experiences of a family-based health promotion programme: A Healthy Generation - Susanne Andermo

O9-4 Barriers and facilitators in Belgian inactive desktop workers to participate in workplace based physical activity programs - Ine De Clerck

O9-6 Shedding Light on men's health: Evaluating the impact and scalability of a community-based men's health promotion programme "Sheds for Life" in Irish Men's Sheds - Aisling McGrath

O9-7 Community-based physical activity promotion for mental health and wellbeing in ‘hard-to-reach' groups  - Niamh Murphy




POSTER 1: Physical activity policy

P01-1 Assessment of local governments’ involvement in sport and physical activity policy promotion – LoGoPAS project - Petru Sandu

P01-2 Can leisure time physical activity moderate the impact of occupational physical activity on sickness absence? - Els Clays

P01-3 Movement and physical activity in early childhood education and care in the Nordic countries - Ann-Christin Sollerhed

P01-4 The importance of local organizational and leadership capacity to support Danish school heads in the implementation of a national physical activity school requirement - Jonas Vestergaard Nielsen

P01-5 Development of the MOVING policy framework: monitoring and promoting action in physical activity policy - Kate Oldridge-Turner

P01-6 Physical activity and non communicable diseases in France - Christèle Gautier

P01-9 State-wide implementation of the 'Sport-Health Houses' program - Marie Mullot

P01-10 Workplace Health Promotion To Facilitate Physical Activity Among Swedish Office Workers - Oskar Ullberg

P01-11 Economic impact of health-enhancing-physical activity from different settings in France - Antoine Noël Racine

P01-12 The Netherlands united by sport: implementtion and monitoring of the national sports agreement in 2019 - Wanda Wendel-Vos

P01-13 A pilot study benchmarking physical activity policy actions in Europe: Lessons learned from the CO-CREATE project - Ioana Vlad

P01-14 National policy response to the Sustainable Development Goals: a physical activity case study of Wales - Catherine Sharp

P01-15 National focal point network for physical activity promotion - experiences from the european union - Antonina Tcymbal

P01-16 EUMOVE Project: an Erasmus+ Project for the promotion of healthy lifestyles among children and adolescents - David Sánchez-Oliva

P01-17 Promotion of health-enhancing physical activity in Europe: a cross-sectional study among 536 sports associations - Tena Matolić

P01-18 Physical activity for children and youth with Physical disabilities - a case study on implementation in the municipality-setting - Charlotte Præst

P01-19 Building a cross-sectoral collaboration to support insight, intelligence and innovation for physical activity promotion in Ireland - Joey Murphy


POSTER 2: Settings-based physical activity interventions

P02-1 Promoting Physical Activity in Secondary School for Health, a collaborative European project - Léna Lhuisset

P02-2 Evaluating community-based programmes for health promotion: a novel approach considering the complexity perspective - Dorine Collard

P02-3 A systematic review and qualitative meta-synthesis of the context, barriers and facilitators to cross-sector collaboration promoting physical activity. - Vasiliki Kolovou

P02-4 Citizen science during Covid-19 pandemic to enhance an activating environment in a low-SES neighborhood - Berry Van Holland

P02-5 Our healthy community - development of a new model for health promotion and disease prevention in Danish municipalities - Mette Aadahl

P02-6 Citizen science during Covid-19 pandemic to enhance an activating environment in a low-SES neighborhood - Berry Van Holland

P02-7 Physical activity promotion project: intervention and evaluation among pregnant women - Shelly Ruart

P02-8 This has just given me life back’ – mixed method evaluation of the Wild Skills, Wild Spaces ecotherapy project, Wales, UK - Diane Crone

P02-9 The dissemination of an effective school-based PA intervention programme: Sigue la Huella (Follow the footprint) - Sonia Asun

P02-10 Irish primary school teacher's perceptions and practices of physical education provision - Mairead Teehan

P02-11 Effectiveness and implementation of a long-term home-based exercise training programme using minimal equipment in COPD patients: A multi-centre randomised controlled trial - Anja Frei

P02-12 The implementation cost of a walking football exercise program for patients with type 2 diabetes: a case study of SWEET-Football (Portugal) - Ana Barbosa

P02-14 KaziBantu 'healthy schools for healthy communities' - A holistic approach to enhance health literacy and physical activity in primary schools from low-resourced settings in South Africa - Patricia Arnaiz

P02-15 Green exercise for well-being: an exploration of psychological responses to physical activity in outdoor and indoor environments - Laura Scott

P02-17 Promoting physical activity for mental health in the EU: Development and implementation of practice guidelines from the SPHERE EU project 2019-2020 - Diane Crone


POSTER 3: Physical activity in children and adolescents

P03-1 The effect of device-free recess on schoolchildren's physical activity and social interaction - Charlotte Skau Pawlowski

P03-3 The impact of regular physical education, physical activity and sport provision in second level schools on adolescent physical activity behaviours: A systematic literature review. - Padraic Rocliffe

P03-4 Perceived and objective indicators of neighbourhood safety and physical activity in early adolescence: a national cohort study - Charlotte Constable Fernandez

P03-5 State of the Evidence of Active Living among Children and Youth in India: A Scoping Review Informing the Global Matrix 4.0 - Jasmin Bhawra

P03-6 Longitudinal associations among cardiorespiratory fitness and objectively measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity of Finnish schoolchildren - Timo Jaakkola

P03-8 Do sports and PA offer a special arena with particularly good opportunities to work with the personal development of young people? - A study of young people's personal developing opportunities on sports-based independent boarding schools in Denmark - Sofie Morley

P03-9 Cross-sectional associations between physical activity pattern, sports participation, screen time and mental health in Swedish adolescents - Karin Kjellenberg

P03-10 I miss a normal life. It's gone on so long': A qualitative interpretation of youth's perceptions of a third national COVID-19 lockdown on their well-being and physical activity - Catherine Sharp

P03-11 Talking to Danish children/adolescents living with cerebral palsy and their parents about perceived motivators and barriers for being physically active - a family perspective - Sofie Morley

P03-12 Falling between two stools: parents' experience of supporting their children with cerebral palsy (GMFCS I-II) living an active life - Sofie Morley

P03-13 Assessing the distribution of adolescents physical activity in each social time - Thibaut Derigny

P03-14 Barriers to sports participation among adolescent girls from deprived neighbourhoods - Helene Rald Johnsen

P03-15 Activating the 'peerness' of youth peer leaders in a community sport programme: supporting the development of techne and phronesis in peer leader training - Charlotte Klinker

P03-16 Motivating playgrounds: Understanding how school playgrounds support autonomy, competence, and relatedness of tweens - Thea Toft Amholt

P03-17 Evaluation of an asset-based, participatory physical activity promotion intervention in Dutch adolescents: a parallel group randomized trial. - Huib van de Kop

P03-18 A Review of Sporting Role Model Led Interventions Promoting Physical Activity in Youth - Eimear Kelly


POSTER 4: Active ageing

P04-1 Slovenian approach to healthy and active aging - Fall prevention program for elderly living at home - Tjaša Knific

P04-2 Are Older Adults Adhering to the Strength Component of the Physical Activity Guidelines? - Helena Bilsborough

P04-4 Non-invasive biomarkers with high discriminant ability indicative of musculoskeletal health with ageing - Sandra Agyapong-Badu

P04-5 Testing muscle strength and dynamic balance in older recreational golfers and healthy sedentary non-golfers in community settings - Sandra Agyapong-Badu

P04-6 Employing citizen science to promote active and healthy ageing across diverse local urban communities in Birmingham, UK - Grace Wood

P04-7 Factors associated with maintenance of physical activity in older adults undertaking a strength and balance programme for falls prevention - Claire Blackmore

P04-8 The art of ageing well - a salutogenic study of physically active old adults - Helena Ericson

P04-9 Clustering of reported activity destinations and use of active transport among older adults - Kirsi Keskinen

P04-10 The Physical activity health paradox - what do we know about physiological mechanisms? (editorial) - David Hallman

P04-12 The efficacy and feasibility of the SPRINTT physical activity intervention in Finland - Annele Urtamo


POSTER 5: Physical activity and health

P05-5 Impact of pain and fear of falling in walking performance under single and dual-task conditions in women with fibromyalgia - Narcis Gusi

P05-6 Composition of physical behaviors at work and risk of sick leave due to musculoskeletal pain - David Hallman

P05-7 The association between 24-hour activity composition and back pain in Slovenian university students - Kaja Kastelic

P05-9 Associations of the physical activity-related injuries with selected variables in adolescents - results of the pilot study - Peter Bakalar

P05-10 Changes in mental health and physical activity patterns before and during the covid-19 pandemic in Swedish adolescents - a longitudinal study - Gisela Nyberg

P05-11 Motor Competence Assessment of Czech School-Age Children: Lack of Movement or Developmental Coordination Disorder? - Iva Šeflová

P05-12 Objectively measured physical activity, chronic illness and health service utilisation - a latent class analysis of activity behaviours in older adults - Andrew O'Regan

P05-13 Associations between occupational physical activity and progression of carotid atherosclerosis among middle-aged women, are those with pre-existing cardiovascular disease more vulnerable? - Mette Korshøj

P05-15 Effects on heart rate, physical activity and ambulatory blood pressure from occupational physical activity with and without lifting among farmers in Denmark. - Mette Korshøj

P05-16 Does the effect of steps per hour on ambulatory blood pressure differ between work hours and leisure time? A cross-sectional study among cleaners in Denmark. - Vivian Rueskov Poulsen

P05-17 Assessing the impact of care-physical activity initiatives for people with a low socioeconomic status on healthcare utilisation: an exploratory study - Annemarie Wagemakers

P05-18 The impact of a care-physical activity initiative for people with a low socioeconomic status on health, quality of life, and societal participation - Annemarie Wagemakers


POSTER 6: Physical activity measurement, monitoring and surveillance

P06-1 Development of a French paper-and-pencil association test to measure athletes’ implicit doping attitudes - Valentine Filleul

P06-3 Associations between walkability and physical activity of Hungarian adults, preliminary study of the EUPASMOS project - Alexandra Makai

P06-4 Agreement between single item physical activity measures in population surveillance in New Zealand - Adrian Bauman

P06-5 Physical activity patterns of Hungarian women of reproductive age, preliminary study of the EUPASMOS project - Viktoria Premusz

P06-7 Steps during school hours vs throughout the day in preschoolers - Susana Vale

P06-8 Socio-demographic profile of physically inactive adults living in Italy according to the PASSI data - Rosaria Gallo

P06-9 Data processing with the short questionnaire to assess health enhancing physical activity (SQUASH): an update - Marjolein Duijvestijn

P06-10 To what extent is active mobility practiced by adults in Italy? - Valentina Possenti

P06-11 Continuity and changes in commuting mode and influence on physical activity, BMI and waist circumference among Finnish adults - Salin Kasper

P06-12 Construction and validation of a physical activity and sedentary behavior temperaments questionnaire among French adults - Florian Manneville

P06-14 Development of a standardised evaluation framework (SEF) for physical activity interventions: Ensuring usability and usefulness - Joey Murphy

P06-15 What makes physical activity interventions work in Ireland: findings from interviews with those involved with intervention implementation - Joey Murphy


POSTER 7: Physical activity prescription

P07-4 A systematic review of key interventional elements in international exercise referral schemes - Eriselda Mino

P07-5 Romanian GPs knowledge, attitudes and behavior related to physical activity on prescription - Petru Sandu

P07-7 Put the promotion of physical activity for people with non-communicable diseases on the political agenda in Luxembourg! - Alexis Lion

P07-10 Nice acti'santé: Let’s move for health in Nice - Charlène Falzon

P07-11 Physical activity promotion in the German healthcare system - Establishing pathways of exercise referral for persons with noncommunicable diseases - Inga Naber

P07-12 Stakeholders perspectives on exercise referral schemes in Germany - Inga Naber

P07-13 Barriers and opportunities to improve collaboration between healthcare and physical activity professionals involved in prescribing physical activity for inactive people in the Netherlands - Dorine Collard


POSTER 8: Physical and social environmental determinants of physical activity

P08-1 Demographic, social, and environmental factors predicting Danish children's greenspace use - Jan Arvidsen

P08-2 Critical elements of sports programs for socially vulnerable adults: a concept mapping study - Güven Alarslan

P08-3 Integrating public health expertise to support green space planning by promoting active lifestyles in Slovenia - Andrea Backovic-Jurican 

P08-5 Community-based interventions to promote physical activity among individuals with social disadvantages - Simone Kohler

P08-6 MOVEluencer: a project to promote physical activity during the COVID-19 pandemic in a rural community setting - Peter Holler

P08-7 The effects of an integrated approach to a worksite intervention on the mental health and wellbeing of cleaners: A randomized stepped wedge worksite study - Vivian Rueskov Poulsen

P08-9 The promotion of walking through nudging. Evaluation of the app „Time2Walk“ - Sylvia Titze

P08-12 Equity review of the relationship between the physical environment and physical activity - Lars B. Christiansen

P08-13 Physical activity increases social inclusion - Tuula Pehkonen-Elmi

P08-14 The association of childhood commuting modes and physical activity in adult age - Kaisa Kaseva

P08-16 Neighborhood walkability and older people's participation in leisure activities - Essi-Mari Tuomola

P08-17 Physical activity according to migration status in adolescents living in French-speaking Belgium. - Emma Holmberg


POSTER 9: Prevalence and determinants of physical activity and sedentary behavior

P09-1 Prevalence and determinants of physical activity among schoolchildren in Abidjan-Côte d'Ivoire - Julie-Ghislaine Sackou-Kouakou

P09-3 Costing the economic burden of sedentary behaviors in France - Antoine Noël Racine

P09-6 Getting a grip on sitting behaviour - Marjolein Duijvestijn

P09-7 Physical activity and sedentary behaviour patterns among French adults during the COVID-19 health crisis - Florian Manneville

P09-8 24-Hour Physical Behavior Balance for Better Health for All: "The Sweet-Spot Hypothesis" - Nidhi Gupta

P09-9 Hybrid work and temporal patterns of sedentary behavior in a 24-hour compositional perspective - David Hallman

P09-10 Barriers and facilitators in Belgian inactive desktop workers to participate in workplace based physical activity programs - Ine De Clerck


POSTER 10: Modern technology in physical activity promotion

P10-1 Acceptability of videoconferencing physical activity intervention among elderly in rural areas: qualitative study - Meggy Hayotte

P10-2 Barriers to use of the internet as an alternative delivery channel for an evidence-based fall-prevention intervention for older adults - Dina Jones

P10-3 Developing online health community platform for enhancing physical activity in the community - Myonghwa Park

P10-4 Effects of a web-based versus a print-based physical activity intervention for community-dwelling older adults: Results of a randomized trial with a cross-over design - Claudia Pischke

P10-5 Evaluation of a MOOC on Heath Promotion in sports club - Benjamin Tezier

P10-6 Home-based videoconference vs. face to face physical training in healthy older adults - Antoine Langeard

P10-7 m-Health apps and health-promoting behavior: medical students' opinion - Nikoleta Leventi

P10-8 Effectiveness of social media-based interventions for the promotion of physical activity: scoping review - Liane Günther

P10-9 Acceptability of technology-based physical activity interventions in obese females: a qualitative study - Pierre Thérouanne

P10-10 Technology-supported exercise may increase self-reported health status in people with residual movement impairments after neurological event - Eveline Graf

P10-11 The effect of a pedometer-based intervention across two years, in people with type 2 diabetes and prediabetes - a compositional data analysis - Kristina Larsson

P10-12 DIPPAO: digital-based intervention promoting physical activity among obese people - Alexandre Mazeas

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